CIS 2024
Under Publication |
CIS 2023
- Congress on Intelligent Systems | SpringerLink (Volume 1)
- Congress on Intelligent Systems | SpringerLink (Volume 2)
- Congress on Intelligent Systems | SpringerLink (Volume 3)
CIS 2022
- Congress on Intelligent Systems | SpringerLink (Volume 1)
- Congress on Intelligent Systems | SpringerLink (Volume 2)
CIS 2021
- Congress on Intelligent Systems | SpringerLink (Volume 1)
- Congress on Intelligent Systems | SpringerLink (Volume 2)
CIS 2020
- Intelligent Learning for Computer Vision - Proceedings of Congress on Intelligent Systems 2020 | Harish Sharma | Springer
- Congress on Intelligent Systems - Proceedings of CIS 2020, Volume 1 | Harish Sharma | Springer
- Congress on Intelligent Systems - Proceedings of CIS 2020, Volume 2 | Harish Sharma | Springer