Welcome to SmartEarth Hackathon – Innovate. Code. Transform the Future!

Eligibility Criteria

Eligible Participants

  • B.Tech Students - All years and disciplines of engineering.
  • M.Tech Students - Students pursuing master's degrees in engineering, technology, or related fields.
  • Ph.D. Scholars - Research students working on advanced technical and scientific solutions.

Team Formation

  • Participants can register as individuals or in teams of 2-5 members.
  • Teams can be interdisciplinary, combining expertise from different domains.
  • Each team must have one team leader who will be responsible for team registration and communication.

Team Requirements

  • Submissions must be original, innovative, and aligned with the SmartEarth themes.
  • If teams have a working prototype, they can share a video link during team registration.
  • The idea should demonstrate feasibility, impact, and scalability.

Participation Rules

  • Participants must be enrolled students in B.Tech, M.Tech, or Ph.D. programs at a recognized university/institution.
  • Plagiarism or previously submitted ideas/projects will result in disqualification.
  • Teams must adhere to the submission deadlines and hackathon guidelines.