Welcome to SmartEarth Hackathon – Innovate. Code. Transform the Future!
Hackathon Theme
Eligibility Criteria
Submission Guidelines
Eligibility Criteria
Eligible Participants
B.Tech Students - All years and disciplines of engineering.
M.Tech Students - Students pursuing master's degrees in engineering, technology, or related fields.
Ph.D. Scholars - Research students working on advanced technical and scientific solutions.
Team Formation
Participants can register as individuals or in teams of 2-5 members.
Teams can be interdisciplinary, combining expertise from different domains.
Each team must have one team leader who will be responsible for team registration and communication.
Team Requirements
Submissions must be original, innovative, and aligned with the SmartEarth themes.
If teams have a working prototype, they can share a video link during team registration.
The idea should demonstrate feasibility, impact, and scalability.
Participation Rules
Participants must be enrolled students in B.Tech, M.Tech, or Ph.D. programs at a recognized university/institution.
Plagiarism or previously submitted ideas/projects will result in disqualification.
Teams must adhere to the submission deadlines and hackathon guidelines.