Mr. Sairam Durgaraju
Transitioning to Password less Security: Implementing Advanced Authentication Strategies in the Zero-Trust Landscape
This research examines the transition to passwordless security under the security model of Zero Trust, the failure of the classical methods based on passwords, and the advantages of more sophisticated authentication processes. Focuses on its weaknesses, when used, one is likely to fall a victim of a phishing attack, or else make a simple mistake and the account is compromised, then it recommends better means such as the biometric, hardware tokens, and one-time passcodes (OTPs). When these are implemented with Zero-Trust model, the benefits get supplemented with strong security since there is constant checks and verification of users and devices. The improvements to the user experience of security as well as the lower administrative costs are also mentioned in the study. Of course, changing to pass less security has its benefits, and it needs planning, checking compatibility, and tutorials. This is because biometric data require special protection and the management of the hardware tokens also present other risks that need be solved by security measures. Thus, the research supports the notion that passwordless security is one of the measures that, when implemented, makes it possible to prevent the emerging cyber threats.